Our Partners

Each partner will have specific roles and the successful implementation of their roles will greatly impact the successful implementation of the e-waste refurbishment programme.

Collaborate with Ministry, Counties and State Agencies to identify the ICT end of life devices, equipment and accessories that require disposal and transport them to ICT Authority refurbishment centre (ICTA warehouse) for inspection and refurbishment.

Provide adequate working space for ICTA staff, refurbishment centre and shelters for accommodation for the youth working at the refurbishment centre

Our Partners

Our partner have specific roles and the successful implementation of their roles will greatly impact the successful implementation of the e-waste refurbishment programme.

Our Partners

Our partner have specific roles and the successful implementation of their roles will greatly impact the successful implementation of the e-waste refurbishment programme.

National Refurbishment, Reuse, Assemble And Ewaste Management Program(NR4A)


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Contact Info

ICT Authority, 12th Floor, Telposta Towers, Kenyatta Ave

Tel +254 20 6676603

Monday to Friday 8:00AM — 05:00PM


Write to our corporate mail

© 2024 Created by ICT Authority